For the professional installation of fischer Zykon panel anchors.

Setting tools

The setting tools complete the full system of the fischer Zykon-Plattenaker. Based on years of experience, fine-tuned and revised with our customers, fischer offers a range of high-quality tools for easy, fast and safe installation of the FZP II anchors. The correct selection depends on the anchor and panel material.
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Varijante proizvoda

6 Varijanta(e) proizvoda
Useable Material
Adapted for
Pregledano 6 od 6 varijanti

Prednosti / Opis proizvoda

  • Enable easy installation of fischer Zykon undercut anchors.

Prijava i odobrenje

  • For the professional installation of fischer Zykon panel anchors FZP II
  • Ventilated rainscreen façades
  • Façade panels
Building materials
  • Natural stone (≥ 20mm)
  • Artificial concrete panels (e.g. GFRC, UHPC, etc.)
  • Ceramics
  • Porcelain stoneware
  • Fiber cement
  • HPL panels
  • Solid surface panels
  • Thin panel materials (≥ 8 mm)
Detaljne informacije o građevinskom materijalu možete pronaći u dokumentu za registraciju.

Uputstvo za montažu

  • Inserting the undercut anchor into the conical uncercutted cylindrical drill hole
  • Expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • Stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing