The undercut anchor for thin façade panels, such as HPL and fibre cement.

Zykon panel anchors FZP II T PA

The undercut anchor for a concealed fixing of thin façade panels such as HPL, fibre cement and mineral EQUITONE fibre cement panels. Use in conjunction with clasp systems or with other attachments.
Varijante proizvodaDownload of image data

Varijante proizvoda

Odobrenja / Izveštaji o ispitivanju
5 Varijanta(e) proizvoda
Min. panel thickness
Total length
Cylindrical diameter
Legenda = Dostupna dozvola = Dozvola nije dostupna
Pregledano 5 od 5 varijanti

Prednosti / Opis proizvoda

  • The short geometry of the anchor allows it to be used in thin panels starting from 8 mm thickness.
  • The fixing is not externally visible, creating a visually appealing façade surface.
  • The matching shape of the undercut anchor creates a inter-locking and stress-free fixing in the conical undercuted drill hole.
  • Setting the anchor using undercut technology allows the user to select the best structural position in the façade panel. This significantly reduces the bending moment of the panel.
  • The anchor allows higher failure loads compared to common systems.
  • This anchor provides much better holding forces than commonly available systems which allows for the use of large format panels.

Prijava i odobrenje

For high aesthetical requrements:
  • The concealed fixing of thin façade panels on exterior and interior façade as well as reveal panels.
Building materials
  • Fibre cement
  • HPL panels
  • Thin panel materials (≥ 8 mm)
Detaljne informacije o građevinskom materijalu možete pronaći u dokumentu za registraciju.
  • ETA-22/0669
  • DoP No. 0360

Uputstvo za montažu

  • dry drilling in ceramic
  • the drill hole is drilled with an absolute anchoring depth
  • flush installation of the anchor, the spacer washer will be in full contact with the surface of the material
  • drilling: first cylindrical, then conical - to create the undercut.
  • inserting the undercut anchor in the cylindrical-conical undercut hole
  • expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumenti za preuzimanje

European Technical Assessment for fischer-Zykon panel anchor FZP II T for "LAMINAM ceramic"
Napravljeno 22. 09. 2023.
Declaration of Performance for fischer-Zykon-panel anchor FZP II T (for LAMINAM)
Napravljeno 12. 04. 2024.